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  • Tags: Highway 89;

Correspondence from Thomas Lyon to Gary Lindley requesting information from the Utah Department of Transportation concerning the progress of the suggestions made about changing Logan Canyon and the concerns about a proper representation of the…

Correspondence from Jo Jones to Brian addressing his concerns and giving him the names and locations of people to contact to ensure than an EIS is produced

USU_MSS200_Forest Ser_Item_21.pdf
Correspondence from Jack Spence to James Naegle expressing his concerns about the role of the Interdisciplinary team, concerns about the Environmental Impact Statement, and concerns about his faith in UDOT and CH2M Hill.

USU_MSS148VIIIB29_Fd6_Item 8.pdf
Correspondence from L. Sheldon Barker to Craig Caupp with enclosed (not in this file) information on areas of interest and the services and capabilities of CH2M Hill.

USU_MSS200_Forest Ser_Item_20.pdf
The handwritten minutes from a meeting on Logan Canyon road on April 30, 1987, where the Forest Service asserts their role and the role of the forest plan in the developments on Logan Canyon.

USU_MSS200ForestServiceSeriesWasatchNFBx6_Item 14.pdf
Correspondence from Dick Carter to Desmond Anderson defending Utah Wilderness Association's role in maintaining the exisiting quality of Logan Canyon.

Correspondence from George Bohn to William Hurley explaining the category assignment of the Logan Canyon project from nonmajor to major and that environmental actions are under CEQ and DOT.

Correspondence from Brian Beard to George Bohn requesting that any and all information regarding Utah Department of Transportation's compliance with NEPA be sent for review, espeicially as to why Logan Canyon was removed from a Category I and put in…

Correspondence from M.J. Roberts to Brian Beard regarding the proposed 3rd phase reconstruction of the Logan Canyon Highway mentioning that no campgrouds will be built at Ricks Springs or Wood Camp Hollow, how fill material will be disposed of, and…

USU_MSS148VIIIB29Fd6_Item 17.pdf
A list of possbile improvements to Logan Canyon including Bear Lake Summit to Garden City.

Correspondence from Brian Beard to Gary Lindley regarding the proposed construction activities in Logan Canyon. The Sierra Club is concerned about UDOT's compliance with NEPA and wants to have an Enviromental Assessment drawn up.

List of district officals, UDOT managment team, Utah highway environmental council, and Federal Highway Administration.

USU_MSS148VIIIB29_Fd6_Item 10.pdf
Evaluation of criteria for making changes to Logan Canyon according to a Visual Quality Objective and the ability for the landscape to absorb man-made alterations without losing the visual character of the Canyon.

USU_MSS148VIIIB29_Fd6_Item 11.pdf
Correspondence from Marjorie Lewis stating that she had joined a group for the protection of Logan Canyon feeling that development would destroy the rare and unusual distinction of the Canyon.

USU_MSS148VIIIB29Fd6_Item 25.pdf
Correspondence from Rudy Lukez to Duncan Silver asserting the Freedom of Information Act by requesting material on behalf of Citizens for the Protection of Logan Canyon.

USU_MSS148VIIIB29_Fd6_Item 5.pdf
Graphics of type of alterations including cut length and sensitivity rating on roads, riparian, rock cut, on the existing visual conditions.

USU_MSS148VIIIB29_Fd6_Item 12.pdf
Correspondence from Dick Carter to Dale Bosworth mentioning concerns about the widening of Logan Canyon and wishes to set up a meeting to discuss these issues.

USU_MSS148VIIIB29_Fd6_Item 4.pdf
Information regarding a vigil being held in Logan Canyon, donation opportuinites, twelve reasons to oppose the preferred alternative for Logan Canyon, and a summary of the preferred alternative.

USU_MSS148VIIIB29Fd6_Item 16.pdf
Discussion outline for component and alternative development with handwritten notes in margins.

USU_MSS148VIIIB29Fd6_Item 22.pdf
Evaluation of present and future traffic needs by looking at roadway design, current traffic volumes, and the traffic patterns in Logan Canyon.

USU_MSS148VIIIB29_Fd6_Item 3.pdf
Evaluation of visual resources in Logan Canyon and the different impacts for drivers and fishermen, campers, hikers, etc.

Booklet for the nomination of Logan Canyon as a Scenic Byway including maps, images, and text.

Correspondence from Brian Beard to Vern Hamre questioning who is the lead agency - UDOT or the Forest Service - in the road construction activities proposed for Logan Canyon. He also requests an evaluation of the environmental issues.

Critiques on Logan Canyon construction with a general summary, critique of traffic forecast, traffic accidents in Logan Canyon from 1970-77, effects of road building on Logan River, and an explanation of how the erosive slopes, siltation of the river…

USU_MSS200_Forest Ser_Item_4.pdf
Correspondence from Dave Baumgartner to Tom Lyon discussing the possibility of compromise on the changes for Logan Canyon.

Correspondence from Brian Beard to M.J. Roberts regarding the camp grounds that are proposed for construction parallel with the road construction and asking what is to be done regarding the disposal of fill material. Also asks how they intend to…

Correspondence from J. L. Mower to Rudy Lukez. Logan Canyon designated as a Scenic Byway. Notes a preliminary evaluation of the Wasatch Variation as the preferred northern route of the Kern River and Wycal pipeline.

USU_MSS148VIIIB27Fd3_Item 7.pdf
Review from previous meetings' minutes, discussion of Maguire Primrose and FWS interest in Logan Canyon, discussion of the results of the scoping meetings, expansion of I.D. team, discussion on the value of spending time in Logan Canyon to define…

Public scoping meeting for public officals and others on the Logan Canyon Environmental Study at Logan City Hall on March 4, 1987.

Paper attempts to answer the question of traffic increase in Logan Canyon.

USU_MSS148VIIIB27Fd3_Item 9.pdf
Interdisciplinary team meeting additional data for agenda items including scoping process status report for public involvement, draft memorandum for existing roadside parking, technical memorandum of the areas within the canyon that meet criteria for…

USU_MSS148VIIIB27Fd3_Item 11.pdf
Additional data for December 22, 1986 Interdisciplinary team meeting with an environmental report schedule, technical memorandum status, and the status of the Maguire Primrose (Primula Maguirei) in Logan Canyon.

USU_MSS148VIIIB27Fd4_Item 5.pdf
Biological assessment of Maguire Primrose in Logan Canyon by Stanley L. Welsh including field work and a literature review.

USU_MSS148VIIIB27Fd3_Item 10.pdf
Memorandum from Stan Nuffer with the review of traffic forecasts, scoping comments, dates for meetings, technical memorandum on noise and speed analysis.

Illustrative map of Logan Canyon from Garden City to Logan with a description of the purpose of Citizens for the Protection of Logan Canyon. Also included are alternate suggestions and requests about the construction and proposed improvements in…

USU_MSS148VIIIB27Fd9_Item 14.pdf
Correspondence from Dale Bosworth to Daniel Dake, May 28,1987 discussing how the EIS must comply with the Wasatch-Cache National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan. Bosworth states that the Forest Service supports an objective analysis of Logan…

USU_MSS148VIIIB27Fd4_Item 8.pdf
Public correspondence from Federal Highway Administration, February 11, 1987 stating when and where public scoping meetings will be held, CH2M Hill's role in the Logan Canyon study, general proposed improvements along the Canyon Road, and who to…

USU_MSS148VIIIB27Fd4_Item 9.pdf
Logan Canyon U.S. Highway 89 land use technical memorandum detailing the existing conditions, impacts, and mitigation, with references and appendix.

Information about interdisciplinary team including contact information and mailing lists and Logan Canyon study with traffic counting and forecasting, purpose of Logan Canyon improvement study and public involvement plan, and the revised role of…

Correspondence from Rudy Lukez, of the Cache Group Sierra Club, to Lynn Zollinger, of Utah Deparment of Transportation, about the reflectors and posts placed in the lower portion of Logan Canyon.

Correspondence from William Helm to Rudy Lukez discouraging certain changes to the Logan River for the benefit of the local fish, plant, and animal life.

Letter to Rudy Lukez from Jack Spence.

The transcript of a public meeting held to answer questions concerning the devleopment of the Logan Canyon.

USU_MSS148VIIIB27Fd4_Item 4.pdf
Minutes from May 18, 1987 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Review of minutes, discussion of the existing conditions portion of the socio-economic technical memorandum, review of the technical memorandum addressing noise, review of the existing…

Review of April 20, 1987 meeting minutes, recommendations of spot improvments with a specific list of locations.

USU_MSS148VIIIB27Fd9_Item 17.pdf
Correspondence from Dave Baumgartner to Tom Lyon about public concerns for Logan Canyon. Designing the right highway is mentioned, also that the aesthetic issue remains unsolved.

Answers to questions from the public about proposed changes to Logan Canyon.

MSS148VIIIB27Fd9_Item 17.pdf
Correspondence from Jack Spence to Dale Bosworth stating that the Forest Plan needs to be taken seriously in consideration of the modifications proposed about Logan Canyon.

Memorandum July 9, 1986 from Stan Nuffer thanking participants for their attendance with attached minutes and agenda review.

Additional data for agenda items from January 26, 1987 Interdisciplinary Team meeting includes an environmental report schedule, outline for scoping meeting, list of figures for slide presentation for scoping meeting, environmental impact statement…
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