Fact sheet for Logan Canyon prepared by CH2M Hill on Feburary 1987 explaining the reasons for improvements, and the proposed alternatives for each section including maps and graphs.
Aquatic resources technical memorandum prepared for Utah Deparment of Transportation detailing the existing conditions of the aquatic habitat, fisheries biology, water quality, the impacts and mitigation in the Middle and Upper Canyons and Rich…
Corresponsence from Utah Wilderness Association to Desmond Anderson explaining the benefits of membership with the Utah Wilderness Association. Anderson agrees to join so long as the UWA opposes UDOT's proposed changes to Logan Canyon.
Correspondence from Dick Carter to Dave Baumgartner, expressign concern over the maintaining the existing values of Logan Canyon and coming to a reasonable solution for all agencies involved.
Correspondence from Dick Carter to Dale Bosworth mentioning concerns about the widening of Logan Canyon and wishes to set up a meeting to discuss these issues.
89'ers executive secretary memos, 1957-1958 on the recap of income and expenditures of 1957 fiscal year, report on the Jackson [Hole] situation, notice of annual meeting in 1957 and 1958, August news bulletin, January 1957 board of directors meeting,…
89'ers news bulletins discussing membership, conventions notes from Afton, WY and Mazatlan, general progress report, brochure and movie progress, and resolutions adopted from October 12, 1956.
Advertising insertion orders is the purchase of the membership or sponsorship to 89'ers International Association, Inc. and guarantees that they will be listed in no less than 50,000 copies of the brochure to be distributed during the period of…
89'ers board of director meeting minutes, October 9, 1957, welcoming the new board members and Bentley Mitchell as President, attached resolutions, financial statements, and a report on the Jackson situation.
Special 89'ers board of directors meeting minutes on October 12, 1956. Report on the sale of "Treasure Trail" records. The treasurers report for that year. Income derived from new and renewal memberships from October 1, 1955 to October 1, 1956.
On March 7, 1957 - Discussion of the mail ballot that was circulated to all Directors in office on February 16, 1957 to elect Sr. Guillermo Freeman of the Repbublic of Mexico to the Board of Directors. January 28 & 29, 1957 - Discussion of financial…
Modified map of U.S. Highway 89 through Logan Canyon, Utah, from Logan, Utah, to Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho. Taken from Cache Valley Visitors Bureau's pamphlet entitled "Guide to Logan Canyon : national scenic byway."
Modified map of U.S. Highway 89 through Logan Canyon, Utah, from Logan, Utah, to Bear Lake, Utah, and Idaho. Taken from Cache Valley Visitors Bureau's pamphlet entitled "Guide to Logan Canyon: national scenic byway."
The interview contains information on the career of Scott Bushman for the Forest Service. He was involved heavily in fire suppression and the Logan Hot Shot crew. He also discusses how he first got involved in Logan Canyon as a youth in the Youth…
Correspondence from C. Taylor Burton, Director of Highways, to Daryl Chase, Utah State University, on July 12, 1961, about passing lanes on highway and the Fish and Game Commission's proposed modification of the highway between Station 565 and 595.
Correspondence from Kenley Brunsdale to James Hansen, April 12, 1990, requesting the Congressman gain authorization prior to testifing before a subcommittee.
Boy Scouts at Jardine Juniper. Inscription on verso reads, 'Old Juniper-Cottonwood Ridge Logan Canyon Age 3000-3500 years old determined by annual ring count from increment borings by Geo. R. Hill Jr. Picture taken 1923.' Black and white photograph…