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USU_MSS133Bx53Fd14_Item 1.pdf
Correspondence from Perry City and Willard City regarding the signs regulating truck traffic on Highway 89 thanking John Holmgren for the positive impact of the signs on the communities.

MSS133Bx10Fd6_Item 3.pdf
Notice for a public meeting regarding Highway 89 improvements in Logan Canyon, 1980s.

Letter to the editor entitled Adult fables by Sadie Hanson from Smithfield.

Minutes from October 20, 1986 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Review of minutes, discussion of satety analysis technical memo, study of goals and objectives, discussion of geotechnical investigations, and alternate routes to Logan Canyon.

MSS148VIIIB27Fd1_Item 8.pdf
A memo from Stan Nuffer detailing the minutes from the Interdisciplinary Team meeting from June 10, 1986.

MSS148VIIIB27Fd1_Item 5.pdf
A task calendar and graph detailing the months in which tasks would be completed for the improvement of Logan Canyon's roads.

Cover page of March 9, 1987 Interdisciplinary Team meeting minutes includes handwritten notes in margins.

USU_MSS133Bx10Fd6_Item 4.pdf
Meeting agenda and map of potential Highway 89 route through Logan Canyon, 1980s.

The minutes from the February 17, 1987 Interdisciplinary Team meeting (See also Item 12 in folder).

Minutes from August 11, 1986 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Randy Nielsen's name added to mailing list. Review of minutes, draft traffic tech memo, manual traffic counts, maintenance information, and accident data.

Minutes from July 28, 1986 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Review minutes, traffic count data, presentation of proposed traffic forecast, discussion of highway capacity and level of service determination, review of accident data, and update on status…

Minutes from July 28, 1986 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Review of minutes, traffic count data, presentation of proposed traffic forecast, highway capacity and level of service determination, review of accident data, and an update on status of base…

Minutes from October 6, 1986 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Review of minutes, public information meeting, and visual considerations presentation by Clark Ostergard, Garden City meeting.

MSS148VIIIB27Fd1_Item 3.pdf
Lined notebook paper with a list of those attending of the interdisciplinary team.

Minutes from November 17, 1986 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Review of minutes, alternate route technical memo, public involvement summary memorandum, public involvement/scoping meeting, review of existing roadside parking, areas meeting critera…

Memorandum to the Interdisciplinary Team members on the subject of traffic forecasts through 2010. Also includes population forecasts estimated for all the counties in Utah from 1940 to 1970, and specific county projections from 1970 to 1985

Memorandum from Stan Nuffer to the Interdisciplinary Team on July 22, 1987 with an attached list of the potential spot improvements, mile posts, exisiting conditions and potential actions.

USU_MSS133Bx10Fd6_Item 5.pdf
Four page fact sheet of the Logan Canyon Study from November 1986 by Utah Department of Transportation and CH2M HILL summarizing the area's transportation needs, roadway conditions, safety, and maintenance. Also included are graphs and tables…

Minutes from June 22, 1987 Interdisciplinary Team meeting from Stan Nuffer detailing the agenda from the 23rd ID Team meeting at Brigham City Hall.

A memo from Stan Nuffer detailing the minutes from the Interdisciplinary Team meeting from February 17, 1987. (See also Item 13 in folder).

Additional data including accident data summary and analysis with topical maps highlighting the most accident prone routes along the canyon

USU_MSS133Bx45Fd8_Item 3.pdf
The motion made before the Logan Municipal Council on January 5, 1989 supporting the Utah Department of Transportation and their consultants in the improvements on the Logan Canyon Highway 89

MSS148VIIIB27Fd1_Item 1.pdf
Agenda for the Logan Canyon Study interdisciplinary team, CH2M Hill, Forest Service, Utah Department of of Transportation meeting number 2 in Ogden, Utah on June 23, 1986 where they review the minutes from a pervious meeting on June 10, 1986, discuss…

Minutes of June 23, 1986 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Review of minutes, discussion of role of Interdisciplinary Team, level of documentation required, public involvement program outline, and the schedule.

MSS148VIIIB27Fd1_Item 6.pdf
Exhibit A of the Logan Canyon environmental study scope of work that lists the numerous tasks to be completed for the project including an analysis of transportation needs such as safety, maintenance, and congestion

Ten memorandum cover pages from Stan Nuffer summarizing the minutes from the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th Interdisciplinary Team meetings. Also three agendas for public meeting No. 1 in Logan City Hall, additional data for…

Minutes from December 8, 1986 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Review of minutes, discussion of issues and concerns, discussion of schedule for completion of the scoping process, update of final visual classification, and layouts for component…

Minutes from August 25, 1986 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Review of minutes, draft traffic forecast technical memorandum, manual traffic counts, existing roadway features, and general discussion.

Minutes from the 24th Interdisciplinary Team meeting on July 31, 1987 at UDOT district office in Ogden, Utah. Also included is a corrected Figure 6-1 for Traffic Capacity Technical Memorandum and labeled map, and written comments on Visual Technical…

Cover page for minutes of January 26, 1987 Interdisciplinary Team meeting from Stan Nuffer.

MSS148VIIIB27Fd1_Item 9.pdf
Correspondence from Julia Gold to Clifford Forsgren of CH2M HILL concerning the proposed changes to the Logan Canyon Highway 89. She discusses the scenic experience of driving Logan Canyon and briefly mentions the environmental effects. Also suggests…

USU_MSS133Bx10Fd6_Item 6.pdf
An 8 page project introduction by the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) that outlines the purpose of the Logan Canyon study, listing three main objectives.

USU_MSS148VIIIB27Fd1_Item 2.pdf
A list of the interdisciplinary team for the Logan Canyon study.

MSS148VIIIB27Fd1_Item 11.pdf
A memo from Stan Nuffer detailing the minutes from the Interdisciplinary Team meeting from January 26, 1987. Reviewed previous meeting's minutes and discussed alternatives.

A cover letter from Stan Nuffer to the Interdisciplinary Team summarizing the minutes from the previous meeting and the schedule for subsequent meetings.

Minutes from January 27, 1987 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Review of minutes and continued discussion on alternatives.

MSS148VIIIB27Fd1_Item 7.pdf
A letter from H.H. Richardson to Rudy Lukez concerning delineators on US-89 in Logan Canyon

Minutes from November 3, 1986 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Review of minutes, discussion of alternate routes to Logan Canyon, discussion of goals and objectives tech memo, alternate alignments from the summit to Garden City, and a preview of…

USU_MSS133Bx45Fd8_Item 1.pdf
A compilation, by Hancey, Jones, Wright & Co. Co., of information gathered from a telephone survey conducted by Councilman Fred Duersch Jr. Includes Exhibits 1 and 2 which show the results of the information in graphs and tables.

Minutes from September 22, 1986 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Review of minutes, traffic characteristics, traffic capacity, and general environmental factors.

Minutes from September 8, 1986 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Review of minutes, draft traffic forecast technical memorandum, and manual traffic counts.

MSS148VIIIB27Fd1_Item 4.pdf
A list of the agenda for interdisciplinary team meeting June 10, 1986.

USU_MSS133Bx10Fd6_Item 1.pdf
Notice for a public meeting regarding Highway 89 improvements in Logan Canyon, 1980s.

MSS133Bx45Fd8_Item 3.pdf
A three page typed report investigating the popular opinion of the proposed changes in Logan Canyon on Highway 89.

Minutes from May 18, 1987 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Reviewed minutes, discussed existing conditions, and reviewed technical memorandum addressing noise.

Letter fom the mayors of Willard and Perry City to Senator John P. Holmgren and Eugene Findley, Director of the Utah Department of Transportation, regarding the positive impact the restriction of semi-trucks on Highway 89 had made on their…


USU_MSS133Bx45Fd8_Item 2.pdf
Motion made before the Logan Municipal Council to support the Utah Department of Transportation in evaluating and upgrading Logan City highways, January 5, 1989.


Results of a survey conducted by Councilman Fred Duersch Jr. regarding Logan City residents' opinions of widening the road in Logan Canyon. Results were analyzed and presented by Hancy, Jones, Wright, & Co. on January 4, 1989 to the Municipal…

Transcription of a report presented by Councilman Fred Deursch, Jr. discussing a telephone survey he conducted of Logan City residents regarding their opinions of widending the road through Logan Canyon. Report presented in 1988 or 1989.

Project introduction of the study of U.S. Highway 89 through Logan Canyon by the Utah Department of Transportation.
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