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Correspondence from Utah Governor Henry Blood to State Road Commission Chairman W.D. Hammond concerning a recent trip the governor made on Highway 89, his impressions of the road quality in southern Utah, and his commendation to the State Road…

Correspondence from Utah Governor Henry Blood to Richfield Lions Club Secretary, Ernest R. Hill concerning a Lions Club resolution that the State Road Commission address a hazardous curve on Highway 89 in Sevier County.

Correspondence from Utah Governor Henry Blood to F.P. Champ of the Cache Valley Banking Company, reiterating the Governor's interest in having the section of Highway 89 between Logan and Garden City completed early.

Correspondence from Utah Governor Henry Blood to State Road Commission Chairman E.E. Howe concerning the diversion of forest highway funds allotted for construction of the road between Logan and Garden City to construction efforts along the…

MSS148VIIIB27Fd1_Item 9.pdf
Correspondence from Julia Gold to Clifford Forsgren of CH2M HILL concerning the proposed changes to the Logan Canyon Highway 89. She discusses the scenic experience of driving Logan Canyon and briefly mentions the environmental effects. Also suggests…

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 10.pdf
Correspondence from J. Calvin Giddings of the Wasatch Mountain Club to Daryl Chase, Utah State University President, and forwarded to Dean Floyd.

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 23.pdf
Correspondence from Carl Frischknecht to J. Whitney Floyd, September 26, 1961. Utah State University.

Memorandum to the Interdisciplinary Team members on the subject of traffic forecasts through 2010. Also includes population forecasts estimated for all the counties in Utah from 1940 to 1970, and specific county projections from 1970 to 1985

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 5.pdf
Correspondence from J. Whitney Floyd to Daryl Chase, December 2, 1961 discussing the Statement on Road Construction and Resouce Use and its dissemination to the Utah congressional delegation.

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 8.pdf
Correspondence from J. Whitney Floyd, Dean College of Forest, Range, and Wildlife, to S. G. Merryman, Northern Pacific Railway Co., on December 1, 1961 about the Road Construction and Resource Use statement.

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 7.pdf
Correspondence from J. Whitney Floyd to Floyd Iverson, December 2, 1961 about the Road Construction and Resouce Use statement.

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 4.pdf
Correspondence from J. Whitney Floyd to John Funk, January 24, 1962 regarding the Road Construction and Resource Use statement.

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 39.pdf
Open letter to C. Taylor Burton, Harold S. Crane, Floyd Iverson, and Grant Meyers referencing the College of Forest, Range, and Wildlife Management of Utah State University and the Road Construction and Resources Use statement.

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 33.pdf
Correspondence from J. Whitney Floyd, College of Forest, Range and Wildlife Managment, to Floyd Iverson, Regional Forester, on October 25, 1961 about principles of good lane use.

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 35.pdf
Memorandum from J. Whitney Floyd to President Daryl Chase on November 14, 1961 about a meeting with Governor Clyde, November 13, 1961.

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 30.pdf
Correspondence from Dean J. Whitney Floyd, College Forest, Range and Wildlife Management, to C. Taylor Burton of Utah Highway Department on June 30, 1961 about Logan Canyon Road.

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 25.pdf
Memorandum from Dean J. Whitney Floyd to Dean D. F. Peterson, August 8, 1961 about reviewing a manuscript.

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 26.pdf
Correspondence from J. Whitney Floyd, College of Forest, Range, and Wildlife Management, to President Daryl Chase, June 22, 1961 referencing the Director of Highways.

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 29.pdf
Correspondence from Dean J. Floyd Whitney of College of Forest, Range and Wildlife Managment, to C. Burton Taylor of Utah State Highway Department on June 23, 1961 about the roadwork in Logan Canyon.

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 28.pdf
Correspondence from Dean J. Whitney Floyd, College of Forest, Range and Wildlife Management, to General Manager D. Robertson, Deseret News, on June 21, 1961 about the road improvement.

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 27.pdf
Correspondence from Dean J. Whitney Floyd, College of Forest, Range and Wildlife Management, to Executive Editor A. C. Beck, Salt Lake Tribune, June 21, 1961 about the road improvements in Logan Canyon.

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 3.pdf
Correspondence from Assistant Regional Director E. M. Lisle to Dean J. Whitney Floyd on April 6, 1962 about the road construction in Logan Canyon.

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 1.pdf
Correspondence from J. Whitney Floyd to Chairman George Fallon on the house committee of public works and subcommittee of public roads discussing the need for road construction. Copy.

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 17.pdf
Correspondence from J. Whitney Floyd, Dean College of Forest, Range, and Wildlife Management, to Ernest Linford, Salt Lake Tribune, on November 3, 1961.

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 2.pdf
Correspondence from J. Whitney Floyd, Dean College of Forest, Range, and Wildlife Management, to Frank S. Bunker, March 15, 1962.

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 18.pdf
Correspondence from J. Whitney Floyd, College of Forest, Range, and Wildlife Management, to Daryl Chase, Utah State University, on November 3, 1961.

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 20.pdf
Correspondence from J. Whitney Floyd , College of Forest, Range, and Wildlife Management, to Floyd Iverson, Regional Forester, on November 1, 1961.

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 19.pdf
Correspondence from J. Whitney Floyd to George Dewey Clyde, November 3, 1961

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 21.pdf
Memorandum from J. Whitney Floyd, Dean, to President Daryl Chase, October 25, 1961

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 14.pdf
Correspondence from J. Whitney Floyd to Floyd Iverson, Regional Forester, on November 14, 1961 about Logan Canyon Road and road improvements.

Conservationists' Alternative made suggestions to improve specific problems within Logan Canyon with minimal environmental impact, in contrast to Agency Alternative.

USU_MSS200ForestServiceSeriesWasatchNFBx6_Item 16.pdf
Correspondence from Stephan Flint to Wes Wilson, June 17, 1987

USU_MSS200_Forest Ser_Item_5.pdf
Correspondence from Rudy Lukez, Steve Flint and Tom Lyon to Dave Baumgartner expressing their concerns about many of the alternatives while questioning while their alternative is not seriously considered, asking for Forest Service to carefully…

USU_MSS148VIIIB27_Fd9_Page_13 2.pdf
Correspondence from Citizens for the Protection of Logan Canyon representative Stephan Flint discussing the drafted EIS and the how the document could be improved to better reflect the needs and wants of the citizens.

USU_MSS148VIIIB27Fd4_Item 8.pdf
Public correspondence from Federal Highway Administration, February 11, 1987 stating when and where public scoping meetings will be held, CH2M Hill's role in the Logan Canyon study, general proposed improvements along the Canyon Road, and who to…

USU_MSS148VIIIB29_Fd6_Item 7.pdf
Visual simulations proposal for the cost of basic services and products to be used by the Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental planning at Utah State University.

MSS133Bx45Fd8_Item 3.pdf
A three page typed report investigating the popular opinion of the proposed changes in Logan Canyon on Highway 89.

Transcription of a report presented by Councilman Fred Deursch, Jr. discussing a telephone survey he conducted of Logan City residents regarding their opinions of widending the road through Logan Canyon. Report presented in 1988 or 1989.

89'ers board of directors meeting minutes, October 24, 1955

USU_MSS148VIIIB29Fd6_Item 24.pdf
Correspondence from Bryan Dixon to Rudy Lukez, March 28, 1987, correspondence from Jay A. Monson to James (Jim) Naegle, and the Logan Canyon Highway project status and issues with a history of the project, timline, alternatives being considered,…

USU_MSS148VIIIB29Fd6_Item 23.pdf
Correspondence from Daniel Dake to William Hurley discussing the need for an Environmental Impact Statement and the conditions for turning the EIS into an Environmental Assessment.

The first meeting of the 89'er's Highway Association.

Several alternatives to the proposed construction in Logan Canyon including: concern over the expansion and curve reduction in Logan Canyon, Agency Alternative, Additions to Conservationists' alternative for US 89, Environmentalists' alternative,…

CPLC Newletters from 1976-1996 (incomplete) discussing the need for the protection of Logan Canyon and examination of the Conservatives' Alternative.

Grid map of Logan Canyon, scale 1 inch.

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 38.pdf
Correspondence from Daryl Chase to C. Taylor Burton, November 25, 1961. Response to the Road Constuction and Resource Use statement.

USU_MSS148VIIIB29Fd6_Item 26.pdf
Fact sheet for Logan Canyon prepared by CH2M Hill on Feburary 1987 explaining the reasons for improvements, and the proposed alternatives for each section including maps and graphs.

USU_MSS148VIIIB27Fd4_Item 9.pdf
Logan Canyon U.S. Highway 89 land use technical memorandum detailing the existing conditions, impacts, and mitigation, with references and appendix.

The transcript of a public meeting held to answer questions concerning the devleopment of the Logan Canyon.

USU_MSS148VIIIB27Fd4_Item 10.pdf
Aquatic resources technical memorandum prepared for Utah Deparment of Transportation detailing the existing conditions of the aquatic habitat, fisheries biology, water quality, the impacts and mitigation in the Middle and Upper Canyons and Rich…
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