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USU_MSS133Bx10Fd6_Item 2.pdf
Correspondence from Stanton S. Nuffer to John Holmgren of the Utah Legislative Delegation detailing the intent of the study by CH2M HILL and the Utah Department of Transportation on Highway 89 through Logan Canyon.

USU_MSS148VIIIB27Fd3_Item 8.pdf
Memorandum from Stan Nuffer with the minutes from the January 5, 1987 meeting attached and time and location for the next meeting, and schedule.

Minutes from March 30, 1987 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Attendance, review of minutes, scoping meeting summaries, discussion of alternatives C1, D1, D2, and D3, aquatic resources and recreation/land use technical memos, and continued discussion…

USU_MSS148VIIIB27Fd4_Item 6.pdf
Summary of the comments received from the public scoping meetings in Logan and Garden City in March 1987 concerning the proposed Logan Canyon Road project. Legend deliniates + as improvements encouraged, - as improvements discouraged, and ? as…

Outline for scoping meeting presentation, list of slides and the print media that received legal notice, findings from the Logan Canyon study, goals and objectives of the study, alternatives for development, notice of public scoping meetings (and…

Memorandum July 9, 1986 from Stan Nuffer thanking participants for their attendance with attached minutes and agenda review.

USU_MSS148VIIIB27Fd4_Item 4.pdf
Minutes from May 18, 1987 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Review of minutes, discussion of the existing conditions portion of the socio-economic technical memorandum, review of the technical memorandum addressing noise, review of the existing…

USU_MSS148VIIIB29_Fd6_Item 13.pdf
Memorandum from Stan Nuffer to the Interdisciplinary team with the agenda for the next meeting on May 18, 1987.

USU_MSS148VIIIB29_Fd6_Item 9.pdf
Correspondence from Stan Nuffer to Mayor Newel C. Daines mentioning the agenda for the upcoming meeting on March 14.

USU_MSS148VIIIB29Fd6_Item 20.pdf
Correspondence from Stan Nuffer to Rudy Lukez, explaining that Lukez's name has been included in the mailing list to receive information on Logan Canyon study with an enclosed introduction to the study (not included with this item).

Correspondence from Bruce Pendery to Dave Berg stating the reasons why a supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) should be prepared, explaining that flawed data and lack of public involvement have made the current EIS unusable. Suggests a…

Various papers commenting on the Logan Canyon construction project, 1994. Included: Citizens for a Safe and Scenic Logan Canyon summary of UDOT plan of action and Conservationist plan of action, time filing lawsuit under NEPA, and comments on Logan…

Versar project conference record for US-89, Farmington to South Ogden, suggesting an access option from I-15/US 89 for the west Farmington area with a discussion on the wetlands, transportation master plan issues, and Burke Lane access options.

USU_14717Bx8Fd20_Item 9.pdf
Correspondence from Eunice Peterson, Secretary to the Dean, to Kathryn Young, Triple H Ranch, November 21, 1961 abot the study on impact of highways on natural resources.

USU_MSS200_Forest Ser_Item_3.pdf
Correspondence from Margaret Pettis to Craig Zwick requesting to be kept informed on the proposed changes of Logan Canyon and expressing concerns about widening the road and increasing the speed limit.

Correspondence from 89'ers International Highway members confirming membership, paying dues, and requesting mention in the 89'ers brochure.

Illustrative map of Logan Canyon from Garden City to Logan with a description of the purpose of Citizens for the Protection of Logan Canyon. Also included are alternate suggestions and requests about the construction and proposed improvements in…

Annual Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, September 23, 1955 (2 copies).

MSS148VIIIB27Fd1_Item 7.pdf
A letter from H.H. Richardson to Rudy Lukez concerning delineators on US-89 in Logan Canyon

Correspondence from M.J. Roberts to Brian Beard regarding the proposed 3rd phase reconstruction of the Logan Canyon Highway mentioning that no campgrouds will be built at Ricks Springs or Wood Camp Hollow, how fill material will be disposed of, and…

Correspondence from M.J. Roberts to Marta Tollerup discussing the changes to China Row picnic site, Woodcamp campground, Cottonwood picnic site, Twin Bridges campground, and two summer recreation residences including the aspects of recreation and…

Rainbow Roads guide to Highways 91, 89, and 191: from San Bernardino to Yellowstone / compiled and edited by Ward J. Roylance. Is from the library of S. George Ellsworth and is comb-bound.

USU_MSS148VIIIB27Fd3_Item 11.pdf
Additional data for December 22, 1986 Interdisciplinary team meeting with an environmental report schedule, technical memorandum status, and the status of the Maguire Primrose (Primula Maguirei) in Logan Canyon.

A Citizens for the Protection of Logan Canyon analysis of the proposed re-alignment of U.S. 89 in Logan Canyon. Critique of UDOT traffic forecasts by Dr. David Schmipf, Critique of UDOT safety statements by Dr. Jack T. Spence, and a commentary on…

USU_MSS200ForestServiceSeriesWasatchNFBx6_Item 12.pdf
Correspondence from Fern Shepard to Clinton Topham requesting a copy of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and for the days for comment to be extended to 120 rather than 30 days.

USU_MSS200_Forest Ser_Item_10.pdf
The overall objective of this paper is to describe the methods that were used to develop an interpretive guide for the Logan Canyon Scenic Byway. Included are statements of purpose and need, a literature review, a statement of methodology, the…

A newspaper entitled Canyon Courier based in Hungry Horse, Montana with articles that discuss the safety and economy of proposed changes to United States Highway 2, making it a four-lane highway instead of two. Also a legal update on the Canyon…

MSS148VIIIB27Fd9_Item 17.pdf
Correspondence from Jack Spence to Dale Bosworth stating that the Forest Plan needs to be taken seriously in consideration of the modifications proposed about Logan Canyon.

Letter to Rudy Lukez from Jack Spence.

USU_MSS148VIIIB29_Fd6_Item 3.pdf
Evaluation of visual resources in Logan Canyon and the different impacts for drivers and fishermen, campers, hikers, etc.

USU_MSS200_Forest Ser_Item_21.pdf
Correspondence from Jack Spence to James Naegle expressing his concerns about the role of the Interdisciplinary team, concerns about the Environmental Impact Statement, and concerns about his faith in UDOT and CH2M Hill.

USU_MSS200ForestServiceSeriesWasatchNFBx6_Item 11.pdf
Correspondence from Jack Spence to R. James Naegle identifying the problems with the Draft Environmental Impact Statement.

USU_MSS200ForestServiceSeriesWasatchNFBx6_Item 13.pdf
Correspondence from Jack Spence to Dale Bosworth discussing the Agency Alternative for the Logan Canyon improvements project.

USU_MSS148VIIIB27Fd3_Item 9.pdf
Interdisciplinary team meeting additional data for agenda items including scoping process status report for public involvement, draft memorandum for existing roadside parking, technical memorandum of the areas within the canyon that meet criteria for…

Evaluation of preconstruction of Logan Canyon including diagrams of the suggested widening of lanes and a detailed list of stations and their modifications. Also included is an environmental analysis report for Old Juniper Trailhead by Clark…

Correspondence from Chandler St. John to Marta Tollerup discussing the Environmental Assessment Report approved in April 1971 used in preparing another more current report, noting that three sections of the road through Logan Canyon was in need of…

USU_MSS148VIIIB29_Fd6_Item 4.pdf
Information regarding a vigil being held in Logan Canyon, donation opportuinites, twelve reasons to oppose the preferred alternative for Logan Canyon, and a summary of the preferred alternative.

Various correspondence from members of 89'ers International Highway Association, Inc. including Ray Stewart, Bentley Mitchell, and Martin Cantwell.

Correspondence from C. Gene Sturzenegger to Brian Beard summarizing government regulations.

Minutes of the Citizens for the Protection of Logan Canyon, December 15, 1994

USU_MSS200_Forest Ser_Item_1.pdf
Correspondence from Hugh Thompson to "Friends" to develop alternatives for predator management and control on the Dixie National Forest.

Letter fom the mayors of Willard and Perry City to Senator John P. Holmgren and Eugene Findley, Director of the Utah Department of Transportation, regarding the positive impact the restriction of semi-trucks on Highway 89 had made on their…


USU_MSS133Bx53Fd14_Item 1.pdf
Correspondence from Perry City and Willard City regarding the signs regulating truck traffic on Highway 89 thanking John Holmgren for the positive impact of the signs on the communities.

MSS351SerIBx85FdHighway89_Item 8.pdf
Correspondence from Mark N. Tuttle to James Hansen, April 16, 1990, expressing Tuttle's disappointment in Hansen's support of the conversion of Highway 89.

Summary fact sheet of the Highway 89 route through Logan Canyon, November 1986

Project introduction of the study of U.S. Highway 89 through Logan Canyon by the Utah Department of Transportation.

USU_MSS133Bx10Fd6_Item 5.pdf
Four page fact sheet of the Logan Canyon Study from November 1986 by Utah Department of Transportation and CH2M HILL summarizing the area's transportation needs, roadway conditions, safety, and maintenance. Also included are graphs and tables…

USU_MSS133Bx10Fd6_Item 6.pdf
An 8 page project introduction by the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) that outlines the purpose of the Logan Canyon study, listing three main objectives.

Additional data including accident data summary and analysis with topical maps highlighting the most accident prone routes along the canyon

Correspondence from Daniel Watt to Thomas Lyon, October 5, 1979 acknowledging concerns about traffic and safety analyses and the classification of Logan Canyon.
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