Real picture postcard. Inscription on back reads: "Parade in Preston Idaho Main Street." Embossed with emblem and probably the designer name on the front.
Correspondences petitioning Congressman Hansen for federal funding for Highway 89, Farmington to South Ogden, forming an expressway, and expressing the need for improvements.
A proposed ten point Promotional Program which is a comprehensive two year planned activity to be presented as a "package program" in the solicitation of financial support.
Advertising insertion orders is the purchase of the membership or sponsorship to 89'ers International Association, Inc. and guarantees that they will be listed in no less than 50,000 copies of the brochure to be distributed during the period of…
89'ers board of director meeting minutes, October 9, 1957, welcoming the new board members and Bentley Mitchell as President, attached resolutions, financial statements, and a report on the Jackson situation.
Special 89'ers board of directors meeting minutes on October 12, 1956. Report on the sale of "Treasure Trail" records. The treasurers report for that year. Income derived from new and renewal memberships from October 1, 1955 to October 1, 1956.
Welcome to the Scenic Route of Three Nations brochure for businesses from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada to Mexico highlighting places to visit and towns along the route.
Paper prepared for EDUC 677. This qualitative research project involved a multi-case study of adult citizens involved in a local political controversy. Following background research, structured interviews were conducted with three core subjects to…
Record of decision for US Highway 89 stating that the Federal Highway Administration agrees with the Utah Department of Transportaion in its selection of the Preferred Alternative.
Correspondence from Rudy Lukez to Duncan Silver asserting the Freedom of Information Act by requesting material on behalf of Citizens for the Protection of Logan Canyon.
Illustrative map of Logan Canyon from Garden City to Logan with a description of the purpose of Citizens for the Protection of Logan Canyon. Also included are alternate suggestions and requests about the construction and proposed improvements in…
Correspondence from Dale Bosworth to Daniel Dake, May 28,1987 discussing how the EIS must comply with the Wasatch-Cache National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan. Bosworth states that the Forest Service supports an objective analysis of Logan…
Public correspondence from Federal Highway Administration, February 11, 1987 stating when and where public scoping meetings will be held, CH2M Hill's role in the Logan Canyon study, general proposed improvements along the Canyon Road, and who to…
Correspondence from Dave Baumgartner to Tom Lyon about public concerns for Logan Canyon. Designing the right highway is mentioned, also that the aesthetic issue remains unsolved.
Additional data for agenda items from January 26, 1987 Interdisciplinary Team meeting includes an environmental report schedule, outline for scoping meeting, list of figures for slide presentation for scoping meeting, environmental impact statement…
Summary of the comments received from the public scoping meetings in Logan and Garden City in March 1987 concerning the proposed Logan Canyon Road project. Legend deliniates + as improvements encouraged, - as improvements discouraged, and ? as…
Minutes from Interdisciplinary Team field trip on April 21, 1987 where the primary purpose was to get an idea of the magnitude of the changes required, spot improvements were observed but were not the subject of this trip.
Minutes from March 30, 1987 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Attendance, review of minutes, scoping meeting summaries, discussion of alternatives C1, D1, D2, and D3, aquatic resources and recreation/land use technical memos, and continued discussion…
Paper stating the importance of highway safety which involves two major issues: accident ratesa and the severity of accidents. Analysis of the Utah Department of Transportation statistical accident data show that the number of accidents in Logan…
Minutes from July 28, 1986 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Review minutes, traffic count data, presentation of proposed traffic forecast, discussion of highway capacity and level of service determination, review of accident data, and update on status…
Four page fact sheet of the Logan Canyon Study from November 1986 by Utah Department of Transportation and CH2M HILL summarizing the area's transportation needs, roadway conditions, safety, and maintenance. Also included are graphs and tables…
Exhibit A of the Logan Canyon environmental study scope of work that lists the numerous tasks to be completed for the project including an analysis of transportation needs such as safety, maintenance, and congestion
Ten memorandum cover pages from Stan Nuffer summarizing the minutes from the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th Interdisciplinary Team meetings. Also three agendas for public meeting No. 1 in Logan City Hall, additional data for…
An 8 page project introduction by the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) that outlines the purpose of the Logan Canyon study, listing three main objectives.