Record of decision for US Highway 89 stating that the Federal Highway Administration agrees with the Utah Department of Transportaion in its selection of the Preferred Alternative.
Correspondence from Bruce Pendery to Dave Berg stating the reasons why a supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) should be prepared, explaining that flawed data and lack of public involvement have made the current EIS unusable. Suggests a…
Correspondence from Daniel Watt to Thomas Lyon, October 5, 1979 acknowledging concerns about traffic and safety analyses and the classification of Logan Canyon.
Correspondence from Brian Beard to JoJo Jones stating the intent to demand an Environmental Statement be produced in regards to the Logan Canyon project.
Fact sheet for Logan Canyon prepared by CH2M Hill on Feburary 1987 explaining the reasons for improvements, and the proposed alternatives for each section including maps and graphs.
Detailing the concerns, particularly from environmental groups, of the expansion and reduction of curves in Logan Canyon including a general summary, traffic growth factors, safety factors, and environmental factors. Important addresses and questions…
Correspondence from Dick Carter to Dave Baumgartner, expressign concern over the maintaining the existing values of Logan Canyon and coming to a reasonable solution for all agencies involved.
Correspondence from Fern Shepard to Clinton Topham requesting a copy of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and for the days for comment to be extended to 120 rather than 30 days.
Review from previous meetings' minutes, discussion of Maguire Primrose and FWS interest in Logan Canyon, discussion of the results of the scoping meetings, expansion of I.D. team, discussion on the value of spending time in Logan Canyon to define…
Interdisciplinary team meeting additional data for agenda items including scoping process status report for public involvement, draft memorandum for existing roadside parking, technical memorandum of the areas within the canyon that meet criteria for…
Illustrative map of Logan Canyon from Garden City to Logan with a description of the purpose of Citizens for the Protection of Logan Canyon. Also included are alternate suggestions and requests about the construction and proposed improvements in…
Minutes from May 18, 1987 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Review of minutes, discussion of the existing conditions portion of the socio-economic technical memorandum, review of the technical memorandum addressing noise, review of the existing…
Additional data for agenda items from January 26, 1987 Interdisciplinary Team meeting includes an environmental report schedule, outline for scoping meeting, list of figures for slide presentation for scoping meeting, environmental impact statement…
Outline for scoping meeting presentation, list of slides and the print media that received legal notice, findings from the Logan Canyon study, goals and objectives of the study, alternatives for development, notice of public scoping meetings (and…
Summary of the comments received from the public scoping meetings in Logan and Garden City in March 1987 concerning the proposed Logan Canyon Road project. Legend deliniates + as improvements encouraged, - as improvements discouraged, and ? as…
Minutes from Interdisciplinary Team field trip on April 21, 1987 where the primary purpose was to get an idea of the magnitude of the changes required, spot improvements were observed but were not the subject of this trip.
Citizens for the Protection of Logan Canyon proposal for modifications of Logan Canyon emphasizing the protection of the canyon's scenic beauty and recreational uses.
Minutes from March 30, 1987 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Attendance, review of minutes, scoping meeting summaries, discussion of alternatives C1, D1, D2, and D3, aquatic resources and recreation/land use technical memos, and continued discussion…
Bar and dot graphs showing the summer daily traffic at the highest hourly volumes (1979, 1982, 1984, 1985), the average daily traffic by day and by month from 1984-1985.
Minutes from the interdisciplinary team meeting with a review of minutes, traffic counting and forecasting, and an outline of transportation needs analysis.
Minutes from October 20, 1986 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Review of minutes, discussion of satety analysis technical memo, study of goals and objectives, discussion of geotechnical investigations, and alternate routes to Logan Canyon.
Minutes from August 11, 1986 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Randy Nielsen's name added to mailing list. Review of minutes, draft traffic tech memo, manual traffic counts, maintenance information, and accident data.
Minutes from July 28, 1986 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Review minutes, traffic count data, presentation of proposed traffic forecast, discussion of highway capacity and level of service determination, review of accident data, and update on status…
Minutes from July 28, 1986 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Review of minutes, traffic count data, presentation of proposed traffic forecast, highway capacity and level of service determination, review of accident data, and an update on status of base…
Minutes from November 17, 1986 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Review of minutes, alternate route technical memo, public involvement summary memorandum, public involvement/scoping meeting, review of existing roadside parking, areas meeting critera…
Memorandum from Stan Nuffer to the Interdisciplinary Team on July 22, 1987 with an attached list of the potential spot improvements, mile posts, exisiting conditions and potential actions.
Four page fact sheet of the Logan Canyon Study from November 1986 by Utah Department of Transportation and CH2M HILL summarizing the area's transportation needs, roadway conditions, safety, and maintenance. Also included are graphs and tables…
Ten memorandum cover pages from Stan Nuffer summarizing the minutes from the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th Interdisciplinary Team meetings. Also three agendas for public meeting No. 1 in Logan City Hall, additional data for…
Minutes from the 24th Interdisciplinary Team meeting on July 31, 1987 at UDOT district office in Ogden, Utah. Also included is a corrected Figure 6-1 for Traffic Capacity Technical Memorandum and labeled map, and written comments on Visual Technical…
A memo from Stan Nuffer detailing the minutes from the Interdisciplinary Team meeting from January 26, 1987. Reviewed previous meeting's minutes and discussed alternatives.
A cover letter from Stan Nuffer to the Interdisciplinary Team summarizing the minutes from the previous meeting and the schedule for subsequent meetings.
Minutes from November 3, 1986 Interdisciplinary Team meeting. Review of minutes, discussion of alternate routes to Logan Canyon, discussion of goals and objectives tech memo, alternate alignments from the summit to Garden City, and a preview of…