Correspondence from Stan Nuffer to Rudy Lukez, explaining that Lukez's name has been included in the mailing list to receive information on Logan Canyon study with an enclosed introduction to the study (not included with this item).
Outline for scoping meeting presentation, list of slides and the print media that received legal notice, findings from the Logan Canyon study, goals and objectives of the study, alternatives for development, notice of public scoping meetings (and…
Memorandum from Stan Nuffer with the review of traffic forecasts, scoping comments, dates for meetings, technical memorandum on noise and speed analysis.
Recorded traffic volumes at Tony Grove Intersection from August 2, 1986, 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Includes dot graph of total traffic for that day, directional split of east and west bound traffic, and diagrams of 3-Leg Turning Movement left and right at…