Several alternatives to the proposed construction in Logan Canyon including: concern over the expansion and curve reduction in Logan Canyon, Agency Alternative, Additions to Conservationists' alternative for US 89, Environmentalists' alternative,…
Various corresponence from the Citizens for the Protection of Logan Canyon, 1987-1994. Most cover the topics of the agency alternative improvement suggestions, the biological assessment of Logan Canyon, and the endangered plant study from Utah State…
Conservationists' spot improvement alternative for locations within Logan Canyon with proposed action, rationale, and impacts and problems with rejected alternatives.
Correspondence from Bryan Dixon to Rudy Lukez, March 28, 1987, correspondence from Jay A. Monson to James (Jim) Naegle, and the Logan Canyon Highway project status and issues with a history of the project, timline, alternatives being considered,…
Corresponsence from Utah Wilderness Association to Desmond Anderson explaining the benefits of membership with the Utah Wilderness Association. Anderson agrees to join so long as the UWA opposes UDOT's proposed changes to Logan Canyon.
Correspondence from Stan Nuffer to Rudy Lukez, explaining that Lukez's name has been included in the mailing list to receive information on Logan Canyon study with an enclosed introduction to the study (not included with this item).
Correspondence from James Naegle to Rudy Lukez stating the intent to not release the Draft Environmental Impact Statement to avoid any unnecessary confusion.
Correspondence from Jean Launer to Rudy Lukez giving examples of projects in other states where administrative changes in design standards were changed for environmental reasons.
Correspondence from Daniel Dake to William Hurley discussing the need for an Environmental Impact Statement and the conditions for turning the EIS into an Environmental Assessment.
Correspondence from Rudy Lukez, Steve Flint and Tom Lyon to Dave Baumgartner expressing their concerns about many of the alternatives while questioning while their alternative is not seriously considered, asking for Forest Service to carefully…
Fact sheet for Logan Canyon prepared by CH2M Hill on Feburary 1987 explaining the reasons for improvements, and the proposed alternatives for each section including maps and graphs.
Correspondence from Dick Carter to Dave Baumgartner, expressign concern over the maintaining the existing values of Logan Canyon and coming to a reasonable solution for all agencies involved.
Visual simulations proposal for the cost of basic services and products to be used by the Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental planning at Utah State University.
Correspondence from Fern Shepard to Clinton Topham requesting a copy of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and for the days for comment to be extended to 120 rather than 30 days.
Recorded traffic volumes at Tony Grove Intersection from August 2, 1986, 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Includes dot graph of total traffic for that day, directional split of east and west bound traffic, and diagrams of 3-Leg Turning Movement left and right at…
Correspondence from Jack Spence to James Naegle expressing his concerns about the role of the Interdisciplinary team, concerns about the Environmental Impact Statement, and concerns about his faith in UDOT and CH2M Hill.
Correspondence from L. Sheldon Barker to Craig Caupp with enclosed (not in this file) information on areas of interest and the services and capabilities of CH2M Hill.
The handwritten minutes from a meeting on Logan Canyon road on April 30, 1987, where the Forest Service asserts their role and the role of the forest plan in the developments on Logan Canyon.
Correspondence from Marjorie Lewis stating that she had joined a group for the protection of Logan Canyon feeling that development would destroy the rare and unusual distinction of the Canyon.
Correspondence from Rudy Lukez to Duncan Silver asserting the Freedom of Information Act by requesting material on behalf of Citizens for the Protection of Logan Canyon.
Correspondence from Dick Carter to Dale Bosworth mentioning concerns about the widening of Logan Canyon and wishes to set up a meeting to discuss these issues.
Correspondence from J. L. Mower to Rudy Lukez. Logan Canyon designated as a Scenic Byway. Notes a preliminary evaluation of the Wasatch Variation as the preferred northern route of the Kern River and Wycal pipeline.
Review from previous meetings' minutes, discussion of Maguire Primrose and FWS interest in Logan Canyon, discussion of the results of the scoping meetings, expansion of I.D. team, discussion on the value of spending time in Logan Canyon to define…
Additional data for December 22, 1986 Interdisciplinary team meeting with an environmental report schedule, technical memorandum status, and the status of the Maguire Primrose (Primula Maguirei) in Logan Canyon.
Memorandum from Stan Nuffer with the review of traffic forecasts, scoping comments, dates for meetings, technical memorandum on noise and speed analysis.