The interview contains a brief description of Barrie Gilbert's childhood and details of his schooling and subsequent career in wildlife management. It includes his story of being attacked by a grizzly bear, his attitudes on wildlife management in…
Garth Barker discusses multiple-use access for the Logan Canyon meeting with politicians at Multiple Access Conservation Coalition member about land access concerns experience as a member of Search and Rescue.
The interview contains information on the career of Scott Bushman for the Forest Service. He was involved heavily in fire suppression and the Logan Hot Shot crew. He also discusses how he first got involved in Logan Canyon as a youth in the Youth…
View looking southeast from the roof of the Business Building. The photo was one in a series taken by Campus Planning to show parking lot wasteland on campus in advocacy of a second quad west of the Engineering Building. View shows the Moen and…
View looking east from the roof of the Business Building, 1972. The photo was one in a series taken by Campus Planning to show parking lot wasteland on campus in advocacy of a second quad west of the Engineering Building. View shows the Engineering…
Correspondence from Chandler St. John to Marta Tollerup discussing the Environmental Assessment Report approved in April 1971 used in preparing another more current report, noting that three sections of the road through Logan Canyon was in need of…
Correspondence from Keith Lautenbach (on behalf of Daniel Watt) to Brian Beard, (with Lautenbach's signature) in response to Beard's previous correspondence about the FHWA's compliance with NEPA and other agency regulations.
Correspondence from M.J. Roberts to Marta Tollerup discussing the changes to China Row picnic site, Woodcamp campground, Cottonwood picnic site, Twin Bridges campground, and two summer recreation residences including the aspects of recreation and…
Correspondence from George Bohn to Brian Beard defining the action plan which must comply with various legislative requirements such as NEPA, and outline how the State will coordinate with other government entities and the public in developing plans…
Correspondence from Daniel Watt to Thomas Lyon, October 5, 1979 acknowledging concerns about traffic and safety analyses and the classification of Logan Canyon.
Correspondence from Brian Beard to JoJo Jones stating the intent to demand an Environmental Statement be produced in regards to the Logan Canyon project.
Detailing the concerns, particularly from environmental groups, of the expansion and reduction of curves in Logan Canyon including a general summary, traffic growth factors, safety factors, and environmental factors. Important addresses and questions…
Correspondence from Brian Beard to David Watt asking for a copy of the "finding of no significant impact" and asking for information as to why UDOT decided to proceed without an Environmental Assessment as required by CEQ NEPA.
Correspondence from Keith P. Lautenbach to Brian Beard of the Sierra Club in response to Beard's previous correspondence about the FHWA's compliance with NEPA and other agency regulations.
Evaluation of preconstruction of Logan Canyon including diagrams of the suggested widening of lanes and a detailed list of stations and their modifications. Also included is an environmental analysis report for Old Juniper Trailhead by Clark…
Correspondence from Thomas Lyon to Gary Lindley requesting information from the Utah Department of Transportation concerning the progress of the suggestions made about changing Logan Canyon and the concerns about a proper representation of the…
Correspondence from Jo Jones to Brian addressing his concerns and giving him the names and locations of people to contact to ensure than an EIS is produced
Correspondence from George Bohn to William Hurley explaining the category assignment of the Logan Canyon project from nonmajor to major and that environmental actions are under CEQ and DOT.
Correspondence from Brian Beard to George Bohn requesting that any and all information regarding Utah Department of Transportation's compliance with NEPA be sent for review, espeicially as to why Logan Canyon was removed from a Category I and put in…
Correspondence from M.J. Roberts to Brian Beard regarding the proposed 3rd phase reconstruction of the Logan Canyon Highway mentioning that no campgrouds will be built at Ricks Springs or Wood Camp Hollow, how fill material will be disposed of, and…
Correspondence from Brian Beard to Gary Lindley regarding the proposed construction activities in Logan Canyon. The Sierra Club is concerned about UDOT's compliance with NEPA and wants to have an Enviromental Assessment drawn up.
Evaluation of criteria for making changes to Logan Canyon according to a Visual Quality Objective and the ability for the landscape to absorb man-made alterations without losing the visual character of the Canyon.