Correspondence from J. Whitney Floyd to Daryl Chase, December 2, 1961 discussing the Statement on Road Construction and Resouce Use and its dissemination to the Utah congressional delegation.
Correspondence from J. Whitney Floyd, Dean College of Forest, Range, and Wildlife, to S. G. Merryman, Northern Pacific Railway Co., on December 1, 1961 about the Road Construction and Resource Use statement.
Open letter to C. Taylor Burton, Harold S. Crane, Floyd Iverson, and Grant Meyers referencing the College of Forest, Range, and Wildlife Management of Utah State University and the Road Construction and Resources Use statement.
Correspondence from J. Whitney Floyd, College of Forest, Range and Wildlife Managment, to Floyd Iverson, Regional Forester, on October 25, 1961 about principles of good lane use.
Correspondence from Dean J. Whitney Floyd, College Forest, Range and Wildlife Management, to C. Taylor Burton of Utah Highway Department on June 30, 1961 about Logan Canyon Road.
Correspondence from J. Whitney Floyd, College of Forest, Range, and Wildlife Management, to President Daryl Chase, June 22, 1961 referencing the Director of Highways.
Correspondence from Dean J. Floyd Whitney of College of Forest, Range and Wildlife Managment, to C. Burton Taylor of Utah State Highway Department on June 23, 1961 about the roadwork in Logan Canyon.
Correspondence from Dean J. Whitney Floyd, College of Forest, Range and Wildlife Management, to General Manager D. Robertson, Deseret News, on June 21, 1961 about the road improvement.
Correspondence from Dean J. Whitney Floyd, College of Forest, Range and Wildlife Management, to Executive Editor A. C. Beck, Salt Lake Tribune, June 21, 1961 about the road improvements in Logan Canyon.
Correspondence from J. Whitney Floyd to Chairman George Fallon on the house committee of public works and subcommittee of public roads discussing the need for road construction. Copy.
Correspondence from J. Whitney Floyd, Dean College of Forest, Range, and Wildlife Management, to Ernest Linford, Salt Lake Tribune, on November 3, 1961.